Friday 29 March 2013

Falling of Tears!

Maafkan aku Ya Allah atas segala kekhilafan ku ini..
aku hanya mahu yang terbaik utk insan2 yang aku sayangi..
berikan aku kekuatan Mu ya Allah..
berikan diri kami keredhaan Mu ya Allah..
limpahi kami dgn nur Hidayah Mu ya Allah..


Monday 11 March 2013

Bawaku Pergi!

There nothing to be sorry when you meet someone
and involve in some or a lot of crisis during your relationship..
there is no perfect person in this world..
the only one is ALLAH..

if we does not try to be grateful to ALLAH,
with what we have, feel, deal and so on..
no SATISFACTION could be reach in our life..
without this element, we will always continue to find the best
whereas the best for us is already leaving behind..

when the time come,
and suddenly we notice about it,
REGRET is the most terrify thing..

there is no wrong to satisfy with what we have..
it is also not wrong to finding more..
but we must know..
and never forget..
with the old things, person and so on..
that we really love and shouldn't lose it..
we will NEVER finds something NEW in our life..

however, the situation judge the direction of our life..
think carefully when making decision..

with love: